Michelle W

Born & Bred Taranaki (Opunake, Riverlea, New Plymouth), raised on a dairy farm until 12 (so I know the difference between a Bull and a Steer, and what Silage and Molasses smell like).
I went to NPGHS before going to Massey to get my accounting degree. I came back to New Plymouth and eventually got a job at Vanburwray in March 1994. I have had some time off – having a son and then working for a local business man who had two business’s one contracting in the oil business and the other owing commercial properties ( I am still managing this business) When the contracting business was sold I returned to Vanburwray – working for Ross. While working at VBW – I managed the computers and for 3 years did the payroll (for 40 staff) , as well as accounting work.
What makes my heart sing – other than work and my family – I am a crafter – currently cardmaking, I love travelling and thoroughly enjoy a good book